Jan 6, 2012

Dukan diet

The Dukan diet I will start on Monday is a high protein, low fat diet that will make you loose a lot of weight fast.

It consists of 4 phases:
1. ATTACK - (day 1-7) here you only eat protein, it consists of 72 sources of protein that you can choose from, low fat and high protein and some dairy products with no fat and no added sugar like cottage cheese. No carbs at all, not even fruit or vegetables.

2. CRUISE - (day 8-14) every other day you continue to eat only protein, and the other days you can add vegetables from a list. Boring food but fast results and easy to understand! I will do this phase for 1 week.

3. CONSOLIDATION - here you can add carbs! Once a week you stick to the only protein products. Once a week you eat whatever you like. The other 5 days you add carbs with moderation. This lenghts of this stage depends on how much weight you lost, 10 days for every kilo, 5 kilos = 50 days.

4. STABILIZATION- this is for the rest of your life or as long as it works for you. Eat normal, and one day a week you eat only protein.

A normal weight lose for this diet is 3-8 kg the 2 first weeks, and then instead of gaining it back, you should continue to loose weight the rest of the time.
My aim is to loose 8 kg, where I hope 5 can come off with this diet.

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